

Before The Art Of Living a Turned on Life I had already done so much healing work and it was time for me to address something extremely profound - me unconsciously refusing to be in my body, to be here and now, to feel ALIVE and happy to wake up every morning.

During the program I have had major breakthroughs! I have connected with Life’s magic, with my inner Goddess, with my pleasure, with my Divine Feminine Energy.


Before The Art Of Living a Turned on Life I had already done so much healing work and it was time for me to address something extremely profound - me unconsciously refusing to be in my body, to be here and now, to feel ALIVE and happy to wake up every morning.

During the program I have had major breakthroughs! I have connected with Life’s magic, with my inner Goddess, with my pleasure, with my Divine Feminine Energy. I have broken through so many unconscious and limiting beliefs which were holding me back.

I experienced such transformative change. I now am so grateful to be a woman, i now feel alive and wake up every morning with joy and gratitude. I now feel connected to all that is. I follow my pleasure and now create my life based on what truly turns me on. I now know that i can have all of it!

I would definatly recommend this to other women! This program is to me fundamental for all women in order for us as a collective to heal and recreate balance between the Divine feminine and Divine Masculine. I think All women need it.

For me, living a turned on life means being in my power, feeling safe in my body, being connected to Pussy, being confident and feeling empowered. It means knowing my value and not being afraid of shining my light. It means turning on other women’s light. Following my pleasure at every step of the way, honouring my inner goddess, celebrating me and celebrating women. It means feeling alive and creating a life based on my pleasure and live life on my own terms. It mean being a force of nature, being sexual and sensual unapologetically. It means being ME and doing ME. It means spreading love and light, magic all around me. It means waking up feeling ALIVE and excited about life.

If you are not sure about the investment I would say that this course is life-changing. It is worth all the money in the world. You will receive so much from it and it will rock your world. No possibility to be disappointed. It is a gem.

Before joining I was wondering if this program was really worth it, if it was really going to help me or teach me something. Now that i completed it i’m convinced this was the best decision ever!