

Before joining the program I was struggling a lot with being in the moment, I was struggling with self love and my relationship to myself. I have always had a feeling that there is more to life and was hoping this would help me find it.

While in the program I got to know my self on completely new level. I got to experience being in my body in ways I had never felt before. I learned to present and to allow myself to feel pleasure in everything i did. I learned to pussify my life which made a tremendous difference. I dared to share my sexual fantasies with myself an my lover(s).

My life is different. I am different. I know this is just the beginning which is so amazing. I feel more at ease and more in pleasure. I have more trust than ever before, trust in that all works out for my highest good. I do have shitty days but I am also fine with having them and I have tools to work through my feelings. I feel more. So much more and for the first time in my life I am proud of feeling a lot. My mind has expanded tremendously, as have my body, my feelings, my sexuality and my whole life. For most people I cant explain it, I just feel different and I know I am different then before

Sandra Denise is a leader that expands your life with her energy and intuition. She creates community, activates pussies and expands women’s lives. She is powerful, yet vulnerable, with an open heart and an expansive mind

My favourite part of working with Sandra was learning that all my feelings are allowed to be felt and how much power we as women have inside and how that can come through in such a beautiful way in the community

My favourite part of the program was the primal sexual meditation (and to get to experience a full yes and a full no in my body)

YES I would recommend this program to other women! Because every woman deserves a life in pleasure. This is for the woman who wants to experience all there is to life. 

It is on the inside. It is love. It is presence. It is pleasure. It is a new way of viewing life that makes every moment valuable

I would say that this is an investment for a life time. This is the start of something that will change your life. It is a start of a new you. This is the change you have been waiting for. I would also say that it is not about time or money, it is about choosing yourself, it is about choosing life. 

It is so hard to explain what this has actually meant for me and you truly need to experience it to understand how something can change your life this way. The value of the program, by far exceeds the price. Honestly, just the reading list was kind of worth the price of the course haha